Statesboro STEAM Academy
Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment is a program that provides funding for students at eligible high schools that are enrolled to take approved college-level coursework for credit towards both high school and college graduation requirements.
Student Eligibility for Dual Enrollment
A student must abide by the rules of the participating high school or home study program and the participating eligible institution the student is attending, and a student can be denied participation at any time in the Dual Enrollment for violations of such rules.
A student must be approved and classified, by the participating high school or home study program at which he or she is enrolled, as a dual credit enrollment student.
Prior to participating in Dual Enrollment, the student and student’s parent(s) or guardian shall sign a student participation agreement form provided by the participating high school or home study program acknowledging a complete understanding of the responsibilities of the student while participating in Dual Enrollment.
A student must have applied, been accepted and approved by the participating postsecondary institution at which he or she is enrolled as a dual credit enrollment student.
Upon completing the postsecondary institution admission process a student must complete the online or paper Dual Enrollment funding application.
A student must be enrolled in a participating public or private high school in Georgia or participating home study program in Georgia and has not earned a high school diploma, a General Education Development (GED) diploma or completed a home study program.
Dual Enrollment funding is available for the per term maximum of 15 semester or 12 quarter hours and a maximum of three semesters or four quarters per award year while enrolled at a participating high school or a home study program based on approved enrollment with a completed Dual Enrollment funding application.
A student enrolled at one or more postsecondary institutions during a single term may receive Dual Enrollment funding for the per term maximum of 15 semester or 12 quarter hours (regardless of the number of Eligible Postsecondary Institutions at which the student is enrolled).
Dual Enrollment funding is available during a student’s 9th, 10th, 11th and/or 12th-grade years up to the student’s high school graduation date or home study completion date, whichever occurs first.
9th grade officially begins the Fall of the student’s 9th-grade year.
The 12th-grade year concludes at the end of the spring term after four years of enrollment beginning in the 9th grade.
A student with a documented Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan or High School Postsecondary Graduation Opportunity Plan, which extends beyond four (4) years must submit a Length of Eligibility Extension Request Form and meet all other Dual Enrollment eligibility requirements.
Participating high schools and home study programs may not adjust a student’s enrollment or graduation plans or records in order to extend a student’s Dual Enrollment eligibility.
All postsecondary coursework must be completed prior to high school graduation or home study completion in order to receive Dual Enrollment funding. In no case shall Dual Enrollment funding be awarded for postsecondary coursework scheduled, per the participating postsecondary institution’s calendar, for a term in which a student may not be awarded Dual Credit toward graduation from the participating high school or home school completion.
Georgia College
The admissions requirements for Dual Enrollment include:
Attend a Dual Enrollment participating school public or private secondary educational institution within the State of Georgia. Ask your guidance counselor to be sure your school is approved to participate.
Minimum 3.0 overall high school GPA, as calculated by EGSC, in courses used to satisfy the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) requirements in English, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science and Foreign Language
Test scores - The following minimum scores are required:
o ACT : 17 English and 17 Math, combined composite 20 OR
o Old SAT : 430 Critical Reading and 400 Math, composite 970 OR
o New SAT* : 24 Reading and 440 Math OR
o Accuplacer : Reading Comprehension 63** - WritePlacer 4 - Elementary Algebra 67 OR
o Next-Gen Accuplacer : Reading Comprehension 237 - WritePlacer 4 - Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics 258 -
Completed participation agreement signed by the student, parent/guardian, and high school counselor. Please retain a copy for your records
* Using the College Board concordance tables, the new SAT scores will be converted to the old SAT equivalents to determine the combined Critical Reading + Math score required for admission. The combined, converted Critical Reading and Math score must total 970 in addition to meeting the individual score requirements. You can reference the new concordance tables online.
** If Reading score is 75 or higher, WritePlacer is not required. To be eligible for College Algebra, students must have a score of 79 or higher in Elementary Algebra or a score of 266 or higher in Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics.
For more information about this school, click here.
Statesboro STEAM Academy Registration Dual Enrollment form is below.
GeorGia SoutheRn University
To be eligible for the dual enrollment program you must:
Attend a private or public secondary educational institution within the State of Georgia or a home study program operated pursuant to §O.C.G.A. 20-2-690 that has been approved by the Georgia Student Finance Commission as a dual enrollment participating school. Ask your guidance counselor to be sure your school is approved to participate.
Submit qualifying test score.*
The minimum score on the Redesigned exam must be at least a 1050 (Evidence-Based Reading & Writing section score + Math section score). The State of Georgia requires that you also earn at least a 24 on the Reading test score and a 22 on the Math test score. Valid old SAT scores are also accepted and converted to Redesigned scores using the converter tool provided by The College Board.
The minimum composite score must be at least 20. The State of Georgia requires you also earn at least a 17 in English and a 17 in Math.
Homeschooled students who are interested in dual enrollment have to meet the regular freshman requirements for homeschooled students.
Accuplacer (Summer/Fall 2019)**
Minimum scores required (old ACCUPLACER): 63 Reading Comprehension; 67 Elementary Algebra; 4 WritePlacer.
Minimum scores required (NextGeneration ACCUPLACER): 237 Reading, 258 Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics; 4 WritePlacer
To schedule an appointment to take the ACCUPLACER exam at Georgia Southern, please contact Testing Services at 912-478-5415 (Statesboro) or 912-344-2582 (Savannah).
These requirements are subject to change.